We are your


Our Mission

"Without DATA you’re just another person with an opinion"

W . Edwards Deming
Data Scientist


Big data and AI projects are all the rage and hyped, but the biggest challenge remains in continuously collecting the right data, connecting it, creating profitable data spaces, and analyzing it. Moreover, in most AI and big data projects, goals are not precisely defined.

Our mission is to address these challenges and make big data and AI projects a reality. Based on big data and AI approaches, our goal is to build and establish a successfully managed data strategy for our partners, where digitalization agility combined with human creativity are the keys to success.

We see ourselves as digitalizers with many years of expertise in big data product development and AI.

Our Services

Data Science

Big Data

Artifical Intelligence


Result Based AI

Experience the future of big data and artificial intelligence with our powerful toolset! Our comprehensive toolset combines the most advanced tools in the industry, providing you with unparalleled versatility. Whether you’re looking for a user-friendly data mining solution or comprehensive data preprocessing and analysis, Result Based AI is the perfect choice.

Act Studio

Discover the future of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence with Act Studio! Our ...

Act Agile

We understand that every organization is unique, and that’s why we offer a tailored approach to the ...

Act Board

With the Act Board we offer you a comprehensive collection of the best practices in ...

Use Cases


Breby is a digital ecosystem for the real estate market and offers a comprehensive market monitoring service.
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Pro Market

Pro Market is a market intelligence tool that helps e-commerce business collect valuable data in real time and make startegic decisions based on market trends.
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Read More Of Our Blogs

Explore more of our blogs to have a better understanding of artificial intelligence and our services.

Navigating the Path to Becoming a Technical Expert in Data Science

Welcome to our beginner’s guide to becoming a technical expert in data science. In this blog post, we will dive into the essential technical skills that aspiring data scientists should develop to excel in this rapidly growing field. From programming languages to statistical analysis tools, we’ll explore the key areas that will lay the foundation […]

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Welcome to our blog on Journey into Data Science: Unlocking the Potential of AI and Big Data for Growth and Innovation

Welcome to the world of data-driven innovation, where challenges and opportunities converge with the limitless potential of AI, big data, and digitization. In this era of rapid advancement, there is an insatiable drive for greater efficiency and growth amidst a wealth of information. This blog is dedicated to exploring the complex field of data science […]

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How You Can Maintain Your Artificial Intelligence StrategiesUnleashing the Power of Soft Skills: The Key to Becoming an Expert Data ScientistHow You Can Maintain Your Artificial Intelligence Strategies

Delve into the world of soft skills and explore their importance in becoming an expert in the field of data science. While technical skills are undoubtedly crucial, developing the right set of soft skills is equally essential for achieving success in this rapidly evolving domain. So, let’s dive in and uncover the key soft skills […]

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